These are not your typical brussels sprouts that you’ll want to glaze over. Steamed to perfection, this brussels sprouts recipe is dressed in a balsamic-maple vinaigrette and garnished with crispy chopped walnuts. This side dish is a must, especially at your Thanksgiving table!
These are not your typical brussels sprouts that you’ll want to glaze over. Steamed to perfection, this brussels sprouts recipe is dressed in a balsamic-maple vinaigrette and garnished with crispy chopped walnuts. This side dish is a must, especially at your Thanksgiving table!
Fill a medium size pot with water, season it generously with salt, and allow it to come to a boil on the stove. Meanwhile, prepare the brussels sprouts by trimming off the browned, hard bottoms where it attached to the stem, then cut an X into the freshly trimmed bottom. Do this with all of the brussels sprouts. Once done, place the brussels sprouts into the boiling water and allow to steam for around 10-15 minutes. Keep an eye on them, as you want to keep their nice bright green color. They have overcooked if they lose their color. Brussels should be somewhat easily pierced with a fork, but still have a bit of grab. Undercooked Brussels are too hard and overcooked are too soft.
While brussels sprouts cook, make the vinaigrette. In a small-medium bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients except for the olive oil. Drizzle in the olive oil while whisking constantly. Set aside.
When brussels are cooked just right, strain the water immediately. Place the brussels back into the same pot and pour the nuts and dressing overtop. Give it a good stir so that all brussels are coated in the vinaigrette. Transfer to serving dish and make sure there are walnut pieces displayed on top of the brussels sprouts for presentation.
Brussels sprouts should not be cooked in advance, this should happen right before you want to serve them, so to ensure they don’t get soggy and cold.
Save time by doing this the day before: Clean, trim and cut X’s into the bottoms of the brussels sprouts. Mix the vinaigrette.
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